User Interface Test Suite allows for creating unit tests for your Pages and Components.
- Start by entering what each test should do. For example: "it should display Hello World." "it should update the value on button click."
- You can run your tests manually by clicking the debug icon in the App Manager dialog, or automatically after each build by checking the "Run tests on build" option.
- Each test runs separately, but if you need to run common code for each test, you can use the "Initialize Test Cases Script" section.
- Use each test to verify functionality using the expect() function. For example expect(myValue).toBe('Hello World');
- "component" and "fixture" are available in every test as documented by Angular.
Helper Functions and Variables
initializeComponent(); // creates the component to be tested
setProperty('myInputString', 'Hello'); // sets a component property value
expect(component.myInputString).toBe('Hello'); // Tests a UI Property Value
expect(component.twoTimesTwoMethod()).toBe(4); // Tests a UI Method Result
expectText('p.myClassName', 'Hello World'); // Tests HTML text content: <p class="myClassName">Hello World</p>
queryElement('.my-class') // returns an HTML Element via querySelector
// testing with a formControl
expectNext(component.formControl.valueChanges, ''); // Runs a test on the next value change
const input = queryElement('input');
setInputValue(input, ''); // updates the input text
expect(component.formControl.value).toBe(''); // Compares the expected form control value