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Creating and updating files

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Written by Ashish Gupta
Updated 2 years ago
2 min read

Apex Designer generates files for your project and keeps them updated when you generate any design component (user interface, business object etc) or the entire project. You can access all those generated files by clicking insert_drive_file on the sidenav:

Files listings page

You can drill down any folder by clicking folder_open 

Edit File

If you need to manually edit any of the generated file, you can click on the file. This will open the file in a read only mode:

Edit a file page

To start editing, click on edit 

You can now make necessary changes to your file. After editing the file, you can generate the project by clicking autorenew 

Please note that if the file you edited was generated, say, for a user interface, any future changes to that user interface will not be captured by the edited file. At that point, you have 2 choices - either manually update the edited file with new changes or delete the edited file for Apex Designer to generate it again with new changes. YOu can tell which files are edited within your project by the white lines on the page.

To see only the edited files, uncheck the checkbox "Include Generated":

Files page with generated files excluded


You can upload a file by clicking cloud_upload 

If you upload a zip file that contains a directory structure, upload will create folders to maintain that structure.


You can download a file or a folder by clicking cloud_download .

If the download is performed on a folder, Apex Designer saves the downloaded folders and files as a zip file.


You can click on the add button to create a new file. You can optionally add a new path name to the file:

Add artifact dialog

The new path name will create a new folder and put the new file under it:

New file editing page


You can search for any file/folder by typing its name (or partial name) in the search bar at the top of the page:

files page using search capability

The search looks for a match not only in the current folder but in the nested folders as well.

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