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Debugging User Interfaces

Quickly add and filter debug logs on your user interfaces

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Written by Kyle Hoskins
Updated 2 years ago
Less than a minute read

Logging traces of what is happening in user interfaces is critical both during development and as a part of production support. Apex Designer makes it easy to consistently add logging to your pages, components, and services.

Debug Basics

To learn more about the debug npm module, adding debug in a code block, and debug string format, please review the Debugging Behaviors page.

Browser Log Filtering

While debug is a powerful module, Apex Designer provides a set of shortcut functions for debugging in the browser javascript console to help you quickly see the logs you need and avoid the noise of extra logs.  

The following helpers are available starting in Angular Base Library 14.0.33.  If they don't appear in the browser javascript console immediately after upgrade, you may need to click the "Build Application" icon in the App Manager dialog for a fresh build.

The following do not require a page refresh to take effect:

debug.all() - Start viewing all debug logs

debug.reset() - Turn off debug logs

debug.add.MyComponentName() - Appends the component's debug string to the current debug string

debug.remove.MyComponentName() - Remove the component's debug string from the current debug string

debug.push(debugString) - Appends the debugString to your current debug settings

debug.pop() - Removes the most recently added debug string

debug.removeDebugString(debugString) - Removes debugString from the current debug string 

debug.set(debugString) - Overrides any existing debug string and sets it to debugString

debug.contains(debugString) - Runs debug.set(`*${debugString}*`) to show any logs containing the given debugString

debug.current() - Sets the debug string to show logs for every component loaded in the current browser

debug.currentPage() - Like debug.current, but excludes logs from the toolbar and left nav

debug.query(domQueryString) - Shows logs for all components associated with DOM elements matching document.querySelectorAll(domQueryString)

debug.pause() - Stop debugging and retain the current debug string

debug.resume() - Start debugging with the previously paused debug string

debug.save(key) - Save your current debug string to be used later

debug.load(key) - Updates the current debug string to a previously saved debug string




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