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Business Object Settings

How to change the settings of a Business Object

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Written by Jim Volpe
Updated a month ago
2 min read

To change the settings of a Business Object, you can open the Settings dialog by clicking settings

pop up dialog box



Article Here you can set the article of the business object with the values of A or An.
Name Here you can update the name of the business object. If updated, you will see this link:
"Click here to update the display, plural, and plural display names for the updated name"
You can click the link to update the properties mentioned in the link without having to manually update all the other names.
Plural Name Here you can update the plural name of the business object.
Display Name  
Plural Display Name  
Description Here you can capture a brief description of the business object.

It can take one of the 3 values:

  1. Business Object: This is the default value of a business object
  2. Base Type: This converts a business object to a base type.
  3. External Class
Model this business object is based on Default value for this field is PersistedModel.
Name of the previous object this replaces  
This business object does not connect to a datasource Check this box for client side only business objects.
Business Object uses the default datasource Here you can change the default datasource if your application is connected to multiple datasources.
Connector setting

When using a relational database data source, you can specify the following properties that describe the columns in the database.

Property Type Description
columnName String Column name
dataType String Data type as defined in the database
dataLength Numeric Data length
dataPrecision Numeric Numeric data precision
dataScale Numeric Numeric data scale
nullable Boolean If true, data can be null


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