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Upgrade To Angular 14

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Written by Kyle Hoskins
Updated 2 years ago
Less than a minute read

Projects started before August 2022 were based on the Angular 10 framework.  Moving forwards, new projects will use Angular 14.  This page highlights the steps to upgrade your Angular 10 project to the new Angular 14 Libraries.

Upgrade Dependencies

On the Dependencies Page, complete the following library upgrades:

Angular 10 Base Library > "Replace this library with a different library" > Select "Angular Base Library" > Click "Replace Library"

Auth0 Angular 10 > "Replace this library with a different library" > Select "Auth0 Angular" > Click "Replace Library"

Angular Material | Apex Dynamic Components | Camunda 7/8 Library | Other Apex Libraries > Change the "Version Range" to "~14.0.0" > Click "Apply Version Range" Icon

Application Modifications

  • Search for any usages of matTextareaAutosize/matAutosizeMinRows and replace with cdkTextareaAutosize/cdkAutosizeMinRows
  • Search for any Promises that are resolved without a return value "resolve()" and update new Promise(...  to new Promise<void>(...
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